Top 5 Mistakes when purchasing a Sunroom

  1. Assuming that the addition complies with zoning

All city, county, commonwealths, township or parish locales have zoning regulations that govern the construction of any new or add on structure on a particular parcel of land.  Specifically there are setbacks or boundary distances that must be maintained from the structures on your property to those of your neighbor that may restrict the sunroom dimensions you want to build.  Polk County Sunrooms will always check with your local zoning officials before diving into the process of getting a sunroom built

2. Thinking All Sunrooms Are the Same

Sunrooms come in a variety of styles and quality, which depends on several factors. Not all sunrooms are the same because you have the freedom to customize them according to your preferences. In addition to that, the quality of your sunroom will depend on the contractor who installed it in your home. 

Some contractors may offer a sunroom addition at a lower price, but the quality may differ. Therefore, who you choose to build the sunroom plays a significant role; so, make sure you choose Polk County Sunrooms.

3. Thinking All Sunrooms Are Engineered the Same

The word “custom” can take on a different meaning when it comes to sunrooms. A sunroom requires detailed engineering and can be built in many ways. Usually, they are framed with aluminum and each piece has a specific thickness, size, shape, and alloy that decide the span at which it can be used. There are several aluminum variables, and issues with engineering usually originate from the improper use of a specific framing member. Polk County Sunrooms has the sunroom design to give beauty and strength together.  

4. Assuming that price reflects quality

Don’t be misled by the estimates you get and make quality assumptions based on price.  There will usually be a significant difference between your highest and lowest bids.  This is because contractors operate on margins.  These margins reflect the amount of overhead a business requires to keep its doors open and the business coming in.  The margin needs for a high profile company that does extensive advertising and employs a large office staff may be much more than that of a smaller outfit.  As a result you will see prices that reflect this difference.  Instead, look for value.  Is the price being quoted reasonable based on what is being offered?  If you are getting a high end price, are you getting high end materials and the best installation staff?  Is the high price just a consequence of their higher expenses and overhead?  On the flip side, if the price seems impossibly low find out what is being offered, ask to see a similar job they may have done in the past and ask the contractor how they can do the job for so much less.  The answers may surprise you and make your decision an easier one. Polk County Sunrooms offers great value products at reasonable prices.


5. Not getting a detailed description of work to be done.

Beware of the estimate written on the back of a napkin.  If a company cannot give you a written estimate, detailing the project in depth that is acceptable to you they should not be considered for the job.  The level of detail in the estimate usually reflects the company itself.  Basic estimates like “build 10’ by 10’ sunroom with insulated roof and 1 door” are of no value because it says nothing about how it will be built.  Vaguely written estimates give a contractor room to cut corners and cheapen the product.  At Polk County Sunrooms, we provide you with an estimate detailing all of the “specifications” or specifics related to your job.


Having a sunroom in your home is a great thing because, as mentioned, it can have different functions. If you’re planning a sunroom project, it’s essential you know what common mistakes to avoid ensuring a successful project with a reliable contractor. With that, the contractor you will choose will have a significant impact on your project; hence, choose carefully. 

Are you looking for a reliable contractor to handle your home addition? Polk County Sunrooms will make your dream sunroom come to life. We serve residential clients in Polk County and the surrounding areas.